Saturday, April 28, 2007

Progress Continues

Been working on cleaning the boat every night, after a bottle of Bass Pro Mold & Mildew remover, here's the progress.

Can really tell the difference in this pic.

I've decided it's probably a good idea to remove everything from the boat, and give it a full-on mold removal treatment. So, I removed the side trim panels, in order to treat everything behind them, and it'll give me a chance to do a more thorough cleaning out of the boat.

I took out all of the cuddy cushions to treat inside there as well.

Now I've got this to work with, and it's my project for this week.

Oh yeah, and i found this in my CD player, which i'm going to have to replace if I ever plan on listening to CD's again!

1 comment:

JoeFish said...

Looking good, mate! That sucks about your CD player. I'm thinking its time to integrate your iPod! Let me know when you're ready to clean the exterior.