Cleaning Update:
As a precautionary measure, I hit everything in the boat with mold & mildew preventative. All vinyl surfaces got a hefty 4-step cleaning.

Step 1 is the Bass Pro Mold & Mildew spray for the initial removal (see below)
Step 2 is a 1:20 ratio mixture of clorox and water.
Step 3 is a heavy solution of StarBrite Vinyl Shampoo & Water with a strong bristled brush along with a thorough scrubbing.
Step 4 is the 3M Marine Outdoor Vinyl Cleaner, Conditioner & Protector.
Everything vinyl got this treatment, including the cuddy cushions, and for the most part removed just about all the stains, and the vinyl has never looked so good! All it needs is a coating of 303 Protectant or other Vinyl Protector and I'll be set for a while.
I've been on the phone today with some canvas shops getting quotes for a new cockpit cover. Who knew a piece of fabric could be so much? I'm getting quotes in the neighborhood of $800+. Oh well, I'll suck it up, i guess, it needs to be done. I'm tired of the ratty-ass vinyl one I've got. Been thinking about going with a black sunbrella cover. Saw a pic of another Mariah 250 with a black one, and i fell in love. Looks great.

So, she's tentatively getting her big bath and shiny treatment tomorrow. Joe's coming over to help. It's a complete bitch to wash, polish, and then wax it with only one person! I'll post an update later this weekend. Until then, SOMEBODY get out on the water and tell me how it is!
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