Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bass Pro comes thru!

After sailing this weekend with my friend Joe, it got me motivated to start working on cleaning the mess under the cover.

I've never been much for store brand cleaners and stuff, only because there's usually a reason they're cheap, because they don't work as good. However, this is NOT the case of Bass Pro Shop's Mold & Mildew Cleaner/Preventative!

I bought a bottle of it last year to try and clean some stains at the price of $5.99. Didn't work so well. However, on mold & mildew stains, such as the ones documented below, it works wonders! So well that I did the majority of the back of the boat last night. And it smells lemony fresh too.

Didn't take any pics, but I'll document as the cleaning process gets more involved.

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