First off, the boat's dirty! Black streaks all over it from the mooring cover. No problem, those clean off real easy!
Secondly, the vinyl cockpit cover's gotta go. It's definitely seen better days, and hasn't been taken care of during it's time in the sun. It doesn't fit anymore, it's covered with dirt that won't come off, and it's beginning to crack in places.
Now comes the initial opening. Remember that scene in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" when they finally open the ark and all hell breaks loose? I'm always prepared for the worst. First thing I see is this,
Peeling back the cover more reveals what I didn't expect...
And it's growing everywhere!
Interior Cleaning's Gonna SUCK this season!!
More updates as I make progress. Stay tuned!
1 comment:
Throw on your ratty clothes, grab the Starbrite and some rags and off we go!
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